“74% of reps say they received no coaching, while 78% of managers claimed they were great coaches.” That’s some mismatch!
It’s a widely shared stat that I also use regularly when I’m talking about our “why” for ctrl.io.
We recently ran a survey with interesting results. 30% of reps said they get coaching, and 60% of managers said they were actively trying to get better at coaching. That wasn’t just from our customers, so we can’t claim a single handed impact (yet!) and I think it shows that the attitude is changing.
I’m also seeing:
- more new products in some kind of coaching category
- more appetite from reps for coaching
- more managers looking for a culture of coaching from the top down (VP’s and sales leaders need to enable this and lead by example)
- more coaching / enablement product companies getting funded, with bigger funding rounds
- companies introducing sales enablement earlier
- “sales manager enablement” getting traction as a specific approach
- salespeople becoming even more mobile in their careers, and not just for money… refusing to stick with a company that forces outdated sales methodologies, mandatory office time, no coaching and development.
It’s a really exciting time (Almost like 10 years ago when sales engagement platforms were just taking off).
I believe 2022-2025 will be an explosive growth period for all things enablement and coaching.
Watch this space!